Saturday, April 29, 2006

Environmental racism

DE curind am aflat acest termen: environmental racism.

Pe scurt, rasismul de mediu ar fi atunci cind, de exemplu, bogatii isi fac gropile de gunoi in zone locuite de saraci. Dar nu numai. El se leaga de calitatea aerului pe care il respiram, de cea a apei. Este evident ca, desi locuim pe aceeasi planeta, nu respiram acelasi aer si nici nu bem aceeasi apa...


"In developing countries:On the whole, the rich insulate themselves from the worst of the environmental problems. They can obtain clean water in septic tanks; the porr, on the other hand, even when they have sufficient water, must live with the dangers of washing in, and even drinking, contaminated water. Whilst the rich find satisfactory ways of disposing of their solid waste, that of the poor is rarely removed from their neighbourhoods and accumulates whever there is space: on vacant land, in canals and rivers. The authorities build roads and plant trees for the rich, while the poor provide their own plank ways or mud paths to access their self-build houses."

( Atkinson A, 1996: Sustainable Cities: Dilemmas and Option )

3 mai underworld

Monday, April 17, 2006

Institutul experimental de cercetare...

Today we went in a horrible place : you can the name of it in the picture - Institute of experimental research. R. took some pictures and i'm gonna post some here.

You can also see the food and the greenish water that these poor dogs get.
And as well a view from the inside of the laboratory, taken from the roof of the cages..
I wonder what is really going inside there..must be so fuckin scientific, isn't it??

Sunday, April 16, 2006

from No Logo

"Until the mid-eighties, foreign corporate investment in the Third World was seen in the mainstream development community as a key to alleviating poverty and misery. By 1996, however, that concept was being openly questioned, and it was recognized that many governments in the developing world were protecting lucrative investments - mines, dams, oil fields, power plants and export processing zones - by deliberately turning a blind eye to egrecious right violations by foreign corporations against their people. And in the enthusiasm for increased trade, the Western nations where most of these offending corporations were based also chose to look the other way, unwilling to risk their own global competitiveness for some other country's problems. The bottom line was that in parts of Asia, Central and South America and Africa, the promise that investment would bring greater freedom and democracy was starting to look like a cruel hoax.

And worse: in case after case, foreign corporations were found to be soliciting, even directly contracting, the local police and military to perform such unsavory tasks as evicting peasants and tribespeople from their land; cracking down on stricking factory workers; and arresting and killing peaceful protestors - all in the name of safeguarding the smooth flow of trade. Corporations, in other words, were stunting human development, rather than contributing to it.

(...)At the heart of this convergence of anticorporate activism and research is the recognition that corporations are much more than purveyors of the products we all want; they are also the most powerful political forces of our time.

(...)If multinationals have become larger and more powerful than governments, the argument goes, then why shouldn't they be subject to the same accountability controls and transparecy that we demand of our public institutions?"


Friday, April 14, 2006

ia mai poftiti la plimbari pe centru vara

o stire mai veche..

BUCURESTI, 26 iul (MEDIAFAX) - Municipalitatea le recomanda bucurestenilor sa se protejeze în urmatoarele zile, anuntându-se temperaturi caniculare, si sa evite centrul Capitalei unde nivelul de poluare este foarte ridicat.

Potrivit specilistilor de mediu din cadrul primariei - care se bazeaza pe masuratori din anii precedenti - în zonele centrale ale orasului se înregistreaza, pe timp de canicula, depasiri ale concentratiilor maxim admise de gaze.

Acestia sustin ca, din cauza constructiilor înalte - asa cum sunt în centrul orasului - aerisirea corecta si circulatia naturala a aerului este afectata, mai ales pe canicula, ceea ce duce la depasiri ale concentratiilor maxim admise de gaze, mai ales în jurul prânzului.

De asemenea, un alt efect al caniculei se resimte pe bulevardele înguste, unde se acumuleaza gaze nocive organismului uman, în special cele generate de trafic.

Acesta este motivul pentru care municipalitatea orasului îi avertizeaza pe bucuresteni, mai ales pe cei în vârsta, sa evite sa circule pe strazile centrale, mai ales în jurul prânzului.

Din masuratorile realizate în anii trecuti reiese ca, în Bucuresti, pe anumite zone, poluarea cu bioxid de sulf, bioxid de carbon si oxizi de azot este foarte puternica. Cele mai poluate intersectii din Capitala sunt cele din zona Bulevardul Carol cu Mosilor, la Universitate, în zona Razoare, Cotroceni, Piata Romana si Gara de Nord.

Poluarea aerului este determinata în cea mai mare parte de traficul rutier, dar si de praful de pe strazile orasului.

Tot traficul auto este responsabil de emisiile de plumb, care, în Bucuresti, sunt de trei ori mai mari decât cele generate de sectoarele industriale.

Aceste masuratori au fost efectuate însa în anii trecuti. La ora actuala, aparatura de masurat nivelul poluarii sta nefolosita în curtea primariei Capitalei. Este vorba despre un autoaborator cu aparate ultraperformante, pentru care municipalitatea a platit câteva milioane de dolari. Motivul invocat de inspectorii primariei pentru sistarea masuratorilor ar fi acela ca, în prezent, ei lucreaza la programe ce necesita vize europene.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Asian Dub Foundation


Dub is the place we come to argue and debate

It isn’t just a backdrop for our herbal intake
And in this time we fill the space with noise
Black noise will be a sound you can’t avoid
We’re raising our voices to reflect our reality
Using dub as our foundation
’cos we’ve got dub mentality.

Listen to the sound of the drum and the bass
Different communities meet up in the same place
We are mixing the flavour to suit every taste
This music have de power for all of the human race.

Dub is the teacher
Jungle is the preacher
Dub education through de jungle a go reach ya.

Cut and splice and regeneration
Militant mix and equalisation
These are the methods for a serious operation
Pushing back the borders of your musical civilisation
So listen without prejudice and without delay
To the sound of the asian dub foundation today.....

And in this time we fill the space with noise
Black noise will be a sound you can’t avoid .....

Saturday, April 01, 2006

