Ziua Europei, 9 mai si mitingul sindicalistilor

Azi am fost la mitingul sindicalistilor. Sindicate din toate "ramurile" si din toata tara. Nu stiam exact ce se intimpla pe acolo, m-am dus mai mult din curiozitate. Am ramas masca atunci cind am vazut ca de fapt se adunasera mii de oameni. La stiri au spus ca 10000...dar mie mi s-au parut mai multi...cel putin dublu. Oamenii au defilat de la Parlament pina la Guvern, adica in geografia urbana de la Piata Constitutiei pina la Piata Victoriei. Ce am retinut din tot ce se striga sint urmatoarele: in primul rind "salarii europene" la preturile si costurile europene care sint deja la noi in tara; pensii mai mari; conditii de munca mai bune; "hotii"; "jos guvernul"; "demnitate", "unitate", "vrem sa muncim nu sa cersim".
Mitingul mi se parea foarte bine organizat. Cu toate astea ma gindeam cam la ce ar putea duce el: probabil la nimic. Oamenii se imprastie care incotro la final, sentimentul multimii se pierde, din cladirile oficiale si importante nu iese nimeni. Apoi oamenii se urca in autobuze si se intorc acasa: la Satu Mare, la Miercurea Ciuc, la Piatra Neamt, etc. Situatia continua desigur sa ramina precara. Precaritate...un termen esential pentru calitatea muncii in ziua de azi - nu numai in Romania.
Asa, iar la stiri mitingul ocupa aproximativ un minut, dupa o serie lunga de alte informatii. De curiozitate m-am uitat in seara asta pe Realitatea sa vad ce stiri au prioritate. Si ordinea a fost cam urmatoarea: boala si operatia lui Basescu, interviuri cu doctori din Viena, certuri intre ministrul sanatatii Nicolaescu si Sorin Oprescu, fiecare cu comisiile lui speciale pentru sanatatea presedintelui-asta a ocupat cel mai mare numar de minute. Apoi nush ce fugarire prin Parlament, alerga nush cine dupa altcineva sa-i ofere nush ce stegulet rosu ca simbol al coruptie. Alerga la propriu, pe coridoare! Apoi, stirea numarul 3: deblocarea unui drum in defileul Jiului. Apoi: avertizare metro ca vin ploile prin sud-estul tarii. Apoi Stolojan care face declaratii cum ca s-ar oferi sa fie si presedintele PNL-ului, si prim ministru! Daca ar putea sa inhate totul dintr-o lovitura...GMS-la fostul meu loc de munca GMS insemna "political games"...Asaaaa. Si acum urmeaza stirea cu sindicatele si protestul. Nici n-apuc sa ma uit bine, 2-3 cadre acolo, o bucatica de interviu, ca s-a si terminat stirea...Mai urmeaza niste chestii palide si gata cu jurnalul...
Mie, pentru ca fusesem acolo in strada si luasem pulsul, mi s-a parut penibil ca aceasta manifestatie sa fie tratata cu atita dezinteres. Totusi s-au adunat mii de oameni azi...Si aveau lucruri de spus...Si cu siguranta marea parte nu o duce asa bine.
Dar de fapt, in logica televiziunilor mainstream ( cel putin Realitatea), EI NU CONTEAZA. Ei sint ndoar niste tisti bisti care au venit cu autobuzul la Bucuresti sa strige din toti rarunchii pentru citeva ore. Si atit. Mult mai importante de prezentat telespectatorilor sint jocurile politice si mesajele la virf ale politicienilor. Jocul lor e jocul de baza...iar noi trebuie sa-l luam ca atare, ca vrem sau nu vrem, sa ne delectam cu miscarile lor mai mult sau mai putin strategice si sa inghitim jurnalele de stiri ce ni se pun la dispozitie ... Ce conteaza omul simplu care a iesit si el in strada cerindu-si drepturile...Lasa, ca asta intra numai bine intre o stire cu un drum oarecare deblocat si un Stolojan avid dupa functii si pozitii.
Lasa ca le trece oricum, saracii. Or zbiera cit or zbiera, obosesc, li se face foame, sete, in fata Guvernului n-au voie oricum sa stationeze...iar in curind se vor risipi, ca sa poata si guvernantii sa iasa linistiti de la locul lor de "munca".
Miine deja tot mitingul asta urias va fi o amintire...

Tot e bine ca n-a aparut Catalin Radu Tanase tragandu-si sufletul in fata la TNB: "Doamnelor si domnilor, este teribil ce se intampla aici, mii de sindicalisti au venit din provincie sa demonstreze, blocand circulatia chiar aici, la km 0..." Asta e tot ce am auzit toata ziua: telefoane cu "aoleu, zi-mi si mie cum se circula pe la Universitate, sa ma-ncumet incolo, ca cica fac unii miting pe-acolo nu stiu de ce!"
Iar despre situatia lor... e prea mult de discutat pentru un comentariu, si e mult mai grava decat cred cei care asociaza imaginea muncitorului roman cu reclama la Unirea...
Am fost si ei la demonstratie.
M-a uimit multimea de oameni, si cat de multicolori si veseli erau.
Totusi m-a cuprins indignarea acesti oameni, in mare parte a lor simpli, cereau demnitate, dar in in fata unei cladiri inchise, megalitice, un fel de zid al plangerii, o cerinta ce ramane fara raspuns. Atunci pe loc nu a existat nici un raspuns. Doar o defulare.
Nu erau alti oamnei care sa se solidarizeze cu ei, erau doar sindicalisti acolo de la CNSLR-Frăţia, de parca ceilaiti romani nu au probleme salariale, sau cu asigurarile sociale, sau cu gasirea unui loc de munca decent, era o mare discordanta intre acesti muncitori batuti de soare, foarte simpatici si veseli, si oamenii de pe starda stresati ca nu mai trece o data manifestaia... In fata l a Teatrul National , nu's ce formatie se pregatea de concert, radea in boxe, ata timp cat oamenii nostri treceau pe sosea scandandu-si sloganele... Si acest muziciei care evident isi bagau piciorul, au continuat sa rada in microfon, apoi sa se scuze ca ei au repetitii pana la 3. Foarte frumos din partea lor.
Acest grup imens si inconvenieint de oameni care isi cer drepturile era flancat pe lateral de jandarmi, si de peroane care alergau pe strada in treaba lor, discordanta era de nivel de trai vazut printre obiectele de imbracaminte. Cei de pe drum aratau mult mai sramani... Cei de pe stada sclipeau, asa ca si reclameme la parfumuri si mobila glamuroase...
azi dimineata am gasit acest articol pe net:
si un text mai lung
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
ADOPTEES Mailing List For legal adoptees and "adoptee-lites" (people who were raised without one or both birth parents, but who were never legally adopted) to seek advice in conducting a search.
ADOPT-FR Mailing List
adopt-gene Mailing List For the discussion of problems related to adoption.
ADOPTION-GEN Mailing List To help those affected by adoption to begin tracing their roots, including tips for discovering their biological past so they can move on to regional and surname lists for additional help. Archives: browse or search.
ADOPTION Mailing List Discussions of anything and everything connected with adoption.
ADOPTION Mailing List
AdoptionSearchAssist Mailing List For adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, birth families, and siblings who are searching for one another.
adoptionsearching Mailing List For those who are conducting adoption searches.
adopt-livingsearch Mailing List For anyone who is searching for their adopted relatives.
ARANDLA Mailing List For adoption triad members with links to Arkansas and Louisiana. Search, social aspects, legal issues, and opinion are all welcome.
blackadoptiontriad Mailing List For all African-Americans affected by the adoption experience (e.g., adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, siblings) to help others in their search for family members and to share searching stores and reunion experiences.
FamAdopt Mailing List and the associated web pageFor anyone personally touched by adoption and wishing to trace/share their heritage, genealogists seeking biological/adoptive family information to include an adoptee on their family tree, other interested parties, and those helping others to seek information; and for the sharing of guidelines for searching public records.
nu-s de acord cu termenul "precaritate". e atit de mult aruncat de la unul la altul, incit a inceput sa se uzeze inca inainte de a capata vreun sens. in Franta, mai ales, da bine sa vorbesti de cit sint de precari unii si altii, cind de fapt problema e cit sint de EXCLUSI. precari - ce vrea sa insemne? ca nu se pot intretine, ca nu au acces la un job sigur (sau ca nu au acces la un job punct.), ca nu pot face asta si ailalta. nu, nu "precar" - "exclus" e mai potrivit.
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