extracts from NO LOGO
So here is another extras from the book NO LOGO of Naomi Klein. Considering that this book is translated into so many languages but not Romanian and that it is hardly accesible to the Romanian public, i will take advantage of this blog in order to post fragments from the book and then discuss them if anyone is willing to discuss here...As today while i was posting some comments on a forum of a Romanian site ( www.gigel.org ) where people debate over the fact of "being urban", a guy answered to me in the following way: "a generic NO to deeper and constructive analises". Bullshit...
Anyway, so here we go again:
"Much of youth culture becomes suspended in what sociologists RObert Goldman and Stephen Papson call "arrested development", nothing that "we have, after all, no idea of what punk or grunge or hip hop as social and cultural movements might look like if they were not mined for their gold..."
This" mining" has not gone unnoticed or unopposed. Both the anticorporate journal The Baffler and the now defunct Might magazine brilliantly lampooned the desperation and striving of the youth-culture industry in the mid-nineties. Dozens, if not hundreds of zines and Web sites have been lanched and have played no small part in setting the mood for the kind of brand-based attacks that i chronicle in part IV of this book.For the most part, however, branding's insatiable cultural thirst just creates more marketing. Marketing that thinks it is culture."
Anyway, so here we go again:
"Much of youth culture becomes suspended in what sociologists RObert Goldman and Stephen Papson call "arrested development", nothing that "we have, after all, no idea of what punk or grunge or hip hop as social and cultural movements might look like if they were not mined for their gold..."
This" mining" has not gone unnoticed or unopposed. Both the anticorporate journal The Baffler and the now defunct Might magazine brilliantly lampooned the desperation and striving of the youth-culture industry in the mid-nineties. Dozens, if not hundreds of zines and Web sites have been lanched and have played no small part in setting the mood for the kind of brand-based attacks that i chronicle in part IV of this book.For the most part, however, branding's insatiable cultural thirst just creates more marketing. Marketing that thinks it is culture."
one of favourite books.
there are many more though.
and there are people doing stuff.
maybe they have no ideea how to show off.but still good people who don't give a fuck whether they are urban not urban pula fashion and other word no action concepts.
looking for them.
meanwhile have elin wikstrom action.
i am convinced that there are people who don't give a fuck on being-urban or being-anti-urban or anti-ad. it's natural that they exist. well, the question is not about being anti-something but rather questioning the social / cultural reality around us and then trying to localise yourself in it.
and you can do this even here in romania, although many personas will say : "ooh, but you are importing staff/actions from abroad"...
i don't think we are importing so much...the abroad is already here in multiple ways:life opportunities, music, urban culture, kaufland, more and more supermarkets actually ( http://www.averea.ro/display.php?data=2005-11-23&id=11876 ), concepts like "think tanks", "market place of ideas", "human resources" and so on
and this is just an aleatory but familiary mentioning. all i want to emphasise is that romania is globalising rapidly and, more important, is adopting neo-liberal values without even QUESTIONING them. well that is the problem i would say. and we all have to do staff anyway.questioning is the basis of it.
then we could have another chat about RESPECT and TOLERANCE in Romania. and another one about SARCASM-ABOVE-ALL -a well-inserted value.
don't spend too much questioning though.
i mean ok it's important to question values and contexts but the action reaction thing is harder to do.
yes, but you need people in order to react together so that you gain visibility+power. and people here are not willing to react at all...it's like we forget we have the right to protest.
and i think questioning is important too so that you raise up some problems,things that maybe not everyone has thought of.
then action means solidarity and solidarity is just a sad word for most of the people here.
of course you can take solitary action( ha ha, what a game-word, solitary/solidary ) but it will be not powerful enough if you have no support. and so on.
so all we have for the moment is this virtual world and we can start using it in order to build up action and not stupid dialogues on forums/chats/etc
Si chiar asa, oare ce s-ar fi ales de toate miscarile sociale contestatare care au aparut in secolul trecut daca n-ar fi intervenit industria publicitatii ca sa foreze in ele ca in niste mine de aur - asa cum au formulat intrebarea doi sociologi citati de autoarea cartii No logo?
interesant exercitiu de imaginatie...
imi place cum au numit ei procesul asta: "dezvoltare arestata" (arrested development ). m-a facut sa ma gindesc daca nu cumva imi "aresteaza" si mie cineva existenta de zi cu zi. daca nu cumva mi se cam pare ca traiesc intr-un mod liber si nemanevrat. chiar daca sint eu insami.
am iesit putin pe balcon la servici si m-au izbit vizual blocurile din curtea interioara. si de fapt, desi era placut, n-aveam chef neaparat sa fiu in balconul acela inconjurat de blocuri. dar spatiul in acel moment nu imi apartinea. il ocupam cumva coordonat/controlat si nu misunam pe acolo de bunavoie - pt ca asta e, trebuie sa vin la servici,nu sint freelancer si nici nu-mi permit inca sa fiu downshifter si sa-mi coordonez eu timpul+spatiul asa cum imi convine.
si bineinteles ca ce am scris aici este de fapt o banalitate.numai ca ea mi-a cam sarit in ochi si m-am gindit ca este destul de greu sa-mi modific coordonatele spatiale&temporale daca mi se pune mie pata.
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