soon we are translating
We thought of creating a little international platform of debates regarding social activism.
Then we should discuss about pulafashion ( aka beepfashion ) project in this context - people from other countries should write their opinions about it. So maybe this way we can point out that such a projects which tends to define itself as social activism, or at least a "revolutionary" civic initiative, it's not actually something like this.
But in order to do this, we need to translate some of pulafashion's manifests. They already translated some for themselves, you can find it on the site ( OR ). But we are going to translate more manifests and interviews with them from mass media. It's not like we are actually doing a favour to them, we just want to create a larger debate and involve in it people from other countries, if possible activists. So this people need to know what is it about - i guess too few speak Romanian.
All right, so here we come with some translations pretty soon.
Then we should discuss about pulafashion ( aka beepfashion ) project in this context - people from other countries should write their opinions about it. So maybe this way we can point out that such a projects which tends to define itself as social activism, or at least a "revolutionary" civic initiative, it's not actually something like this.
But in order to do this, we need to translate some of pulafashion's manifests. They already translated some for themselves, you can find it on the site ( OR ). But we are going to translate more manifests and interviews with them from mass media. It's not like we are actually doing a favour to them, we just want to create a larger debate and involve in it people from other countries, if possible activists. So this people need to know what is it about - i guess too few speak Romanian.
All right, so here we come with some translations pretty soon.
precum observi, nici n-am facut vreo traducere inca, pt ca in momentul in care ma gindesc la nataraii astia de la pf ma ia asa o lehamite si-mi zic ca nuuuuu merita nici sa-i treci in revista...asa ca ideea traducerii pare sa se indeparteze si de mine incet incet...daca pf va mai cuvinta vreodata in spatiul public, atunci poate ca vom sari in capul lor...deocamdata ciocu e mic rau
actiunea pulii dot com
Mie problema mi se pare alta...faptul ca poti situa publicitatea intr-o discutie critica, poti incerca sa intelegi sau sa demonstrezi mecanismele perfide ce-o alimenteaza.
Bun...Poti de la asta sa extinzi problematica la invirtelile marilor corporatii si la felul in care politica lor se sprijina masiv pe publicitate - o ecuatie demna de rezolvat.
Dar in momentul in care tu initiezi o campanie care APARENT condamna publicitatea ( sau sa zicem prezenta ei pe zidurile vechi ale unui oras, e cam acelasi lucru in principiu) dar in esenta se plinge ca in Romania nu exista publicitate de calitate, publicitate adevarata - atunci asta e IPOCRIZIE curata.
Si trebuie sa fii un ignorant din punct de vedere al realitatii sociale ca sa nu-ti dai seama de asta, ca sa nu vezi ce basina extraordinara reprezinta aceasta campanie.
Asta spus la un nivel general.
Disecate si studiate fraza cu fraza, manifestele si aparitiile publice ale pulafashion denota prostie, contradictie in termeni, chiar misoginism.
In afara de asta, ironia ironiilor mi se pare faptul ca aceasta campania pulafashion este structurata exact ca un demers publicitar. Sau anti-publicitar.
Avind in vedere ca de-a lungul istoriei publicitatea si-a regindit + reformulat principiile si motorasele, adaptindu-se din mers atunci cind a fost cazul, nu vad de ce in curind nu va adopta si ANTI-MARCA drept cea mai inovatoare si mai cool metoda de a promova kestii.
Deja mi se ia...
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